Agile solutions to fast-moving problems

Vivace is a community of innovators drawn from industry and academia who collaborate to solve the challenges data and technology pose to public safety and security for organisations across the public and private sectors.

Bringing the best together

A consortium of the best and brightest from industry, academia and the third sector, Vivace now has more than 300 members, from individual experts to SMEs and major corporations. By working across domains and sectors we can bring a breadth of knowledge and experience to bear on any given problem.



Rapid and responsive

Our approach is agile and highly collaborative. The speed of technological change demands rapid responses, especially to challenges that threaten national security or public safety.
The diversity of the Vivace community and its extensive networks make it possible to access a wide array of expertise and capabilities. We think laterally and look into adjacent problem spaces to solve the challenge in front of us. We know that sometimes the solution to a problem can come from unexpected quarters.

Innovation lies at the heart of what we do and how we do it.


Powering ACE – the Home Office's Accelerated Capability Environment

Vivace is the Private Sector Partner (PSP) for the Home Office Accelerated Capability environment – ACE.
Established in 2017 to solve front-line challenges facing law enforcement and security agencies in the area of communications data, ACE has since applied its successful approach for customers across government and the wider public sector.
ACE has successfully delivered solutions in fields including:

  • online child sexual abuse and exploitation
  • counter-terrorism
  • insider threat in critical national infrastructure
  • combatting cyber crime and critical national infrastructure threats
  • responding to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • improving NHS efficiency using artificial intelligence (AI)

Working with Vivace

Members of the Vivace community enjoy a simpler way of working with government and law enforcement agencies. They also have access to secure collaboration spaces and cutting-edge development environments. Members are part of an influential and innovative network doing important work to keep the public safe.